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Showing posts from December, 2018

College: A Worthy Investment?

After reading the title of this post, some of you may have had the knee jerk is-that-even-a-question-? reaction. I get it. Where I grew up, in the very affluent Johnson County, Kansas, it was the norm/expectation that you went to college right after high school. Before I say anything else, let me be clear that I highly value education, knowledge and higher learning. I have two degrees (a B.A. in music and a B.A. in psychology) that I am very proud of, but I know people without degrees who make just as much if not more money than I do and never had any debt to boot!  I do not recommend college at all (especially not right after high school) unless the following is true:  1. You have a focused/specific career plan (doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer etc.) Do NOT get a generic degree in something like philosophy, history, communications, etc. that will cause you to be $60,000 in debt but only make $30,000 a year! I know this because while I am proud of my degrees, they...