Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you having a hard time writing and/or sticking to a monthly budget? Do you feel like you have shaved your budget down to needs only but things still aren't adding up? Let's explore some of the most common, yet overlooked budget busters. 1. Housing. This is an obvious need in your budget, but what percentage of your monthly take home pay are you spending on housing? Anything over 30% is not a need, that's just extravagant. Keeping it closer to 25% (or lower if possible) is ideal, especially if you're paying off debt. This may not be possible if your income is very low, in which case you may need to sell some things, get a second job, get a roommate to share expenses and/or visit your local food pantry to at least ease the burden of food costs. Anything you can do to spend less and make more money. 2. Car Payments. A car is also a need, but is your monthly car payment $200? $300? $400? $500? $600+? The average payment is a...
Hi! My name is Michele Mooney. I'm just a simple girl that loves Jesus, music, art, quality time with friends and family, baseball, traveling, good food, good TV shows and movies, games, kids and managing money! Welcome to my blog, The Wanderlusting Penny Pincher: Your ultimate guide to money management. Each post will provide practical tips on ways to spend less, save and make more money!