A couple days ago, I came across a few spam emails in my inbox that I actually had to read twice to make sure I was seeing clearly! The first one was advertising "personal loans for unplanned expenses." The second one was offering "personal loans to help you reach your financial goals." The third said, "financial help - loans to pay off debt." WHAT?! The idea of going into debt to get ahead financially is so preposterous, I thought it had to be a joke! Well, it is a joke, but the sad truth is that these offers were serious. Seriously misguided. Let's unpack this further, shall we? I want to let everybody in on a little secret. "Unplanned expenses" are no longer unplanned if you...wait for it...plan for them. Of course nobody plans on the inconveniences of life happening, such as car or home repairs, trips to the ER, travel expenses due to the sudden death of a loved one etc. We know somewhere in the back of our minds that these ...
Hi! My name is Michele Mooney. I'm just a simple girl that loves Jesus, music, art, quality time with friends and family, baseball, traveling, good food, good TV shows and movies, games, kids and managing money! Welcome to my blog, The Wanderlusting Penny Pincher: Your ultimate guide to money management. Each post will provide practical tips on ways to spend less, save and make more money!