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The Beginning of my Journey to Financial Peace

When I graduated college back in 2010, degrees in hand, I had stars in my eyes and spunk in my spirit. I was young and carefree, the world was my oyster and I was excited about the future. There was just one problem. Between student loans, credit card debt, and an auto loan, I had accrued about $55,000 of debt. I also had no job prospects, at least none that justified my newly earned music and psychology degrees and/or would be much help with attacking Debt Mountain. I was also an impulsive spender. The fact that I wasn't making a lot of money combined with the fact that I had a lot of debt and a bad habit - let's just say my starry-eyed excitement was fading fast, and I knew I needed to act. It's amazing, the things we can accomplish when we have to. I prayed, researched and brainstormed every possible thing I could do to become debt free. Doing all of that took me on a life-changing journey; so much so that I feel compelled, obligated even, to share my story. I am so excited to relive my amazing journey as I share it with you in the posts to follow!


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