Hello to all of my wonderful readers! I would like to connect you to some information and tools that are financially beneficial: 1. There are many great books out there about money. I have recommended a few in some of my previous posts, but if you can only stand to read one, let it be Your New Money Mindset by Brad Hewitt, the CEO of Thrivent Financial (the awesome company that helps me on my wise with money journey), and James Moline, a licensed psychologist. Here is a quote from the book that sums up it's message and my heart's cry: "Before you can remake your habits, you need to remake your heart." That deserves an Amen! I would also like to encourage you to take the free online assessment tool from the book. It will give you insight into your current money mindset and how you can grow. It's brief and fun! Click here to take the assessment. 2. Switching gears, my next helpful tidbit is an exciting new offer! In a previous post, I recommended keeping your ...
Hi! My name is Michele Mooney. I'm just a simple girl that loves Jesus, music, art, quality time with friends and family, baseball, traveling, good food, good TV shows and movies, games, kids and managing money! Welcome to my blog, The Wanderlusting Penny Pincher: Your ultimate guide to money management. Each post will provide practical tips on ways to spend less, save and make more money!